About Us

“Upgrading Intelligence,
Outstanding Your Performance”


Global Genius Consultant Sdn. Bhd. is a registered professional training provider at the Human Resources Corporation Berhad (Ministry of Human Resources Agency).

Our Services


HR Development


In-House Training


Public Seminar




Learning Technology & Solution


Sales & Marketing


Social Research





Building a culture of learning within your organization.

Integrated Learning Solution (IKHLAS) is our methodology in managing programs that enable participants to have a comprehensive training experience that starts before the program and stays for the rest of their life.



Consist of simplified learning, cartoon, and mind-opening facts and discussions.



40% presentation and 60% activity interactive learning alongside subliminal message throughout seminar.



WISDOM – A smartphone application designed with push message and alarm system for participants.


In-House Seminar

Organize special seminars in your area with NLP applications. A handy selection of 10 modules , now seminars and courses are not only high-impact, but fun to attend!


Large Scale Seminar:
Emotional Intelligence & Spiritual Intelligence to spark your true potential

Many people talk about emotional intelligence (EQ) and spiritual intelligence (SQ) but do not know what the process is. Both of these are very important in enhancing one's potential and performance because everyone who wants to improve their self-esteem should have a good EQ and SQ. Participants will also stimulate their potential and self-esteem with EQ and SQ thus fostering the spirit and appreciation of worship in their careers.

Large Scale Seminar:
The Power of Positive Thinking for Personal & Organizational Excellence

These seminars can be conducted for up to 500 people in one session with an engaging methodology & learning experiences aimed at building a positive mindset. Academic studies show that positive and optimistic thinking can help improve problem solving skills, be more innovative and proactive, and become a better team member contributing to the organization. It can also be done for small groups with more exclusive simple methodologies.

Five Star World-Class Customer Service Skills for Delivery Excellence

A program that focuses on understanding the true meaning behind customer service. There are more to customer service than accomplishing task or fulfilling customers’ wants and needs. Creating the best customer experience when dealing with participants’ organization is the ultimate goal.


Negotiation Skills and Achieving Mutual Agreements with S.I.N.E.R.G.I Techniques

A program that exposes participants to a concise and prompt negotiation process to achieve desired agreement. It is a skill that needs to be learned to boost self and organization’s achievement. This program help participants in creating compatibility by understanding human psychology and using it to influence mutual agreement.


Effective and Charismatic Public Speaking and Speaking Skills with S.P.E.A.K Techniques

The ability to stand and convey message in front of a large crowd is one thing that all great world leaders have in common. This program is constructed to help you become more effective and persuasive. Improve team’s performance with presentation and speech skills now!


Effective Coaching & Supervision Skills For Team Members Performance Improvement

Boost your team performance with proper coaching techniques. A good supervisor must be able to handle himself and guide team members to do their finest.


Effective Stress & Conflict Management Skills for Optimal Work Performance

Helps participants understand what stress is and how to manage it well to ensure work performance is always at its optimum level. Participants also learn how to deal with a conflict and manage it before it becomes an unnecessary crisis.

The Art of Communication And Interaction For Team Excellence And Organization Using C.O.N.N.E.C.T Techniques!

The ability to communicate effectively helps to build a positive relationship between you and client as well as between colleagues. Moreover, it improves self –esteem and add great value to your performance.


Marketing & Sales Skills With Pukau Selling Techniques

This program will provide a practical overview on the process of Sales and Persuasive Communication. Participants will learn to build customers’ rapport; to the point prospect becomes comfortable and open to listen, in 3 minutes time. Aside from that, participants will be exposed to prospect’s mindset thus helping them to identify how the prospect may be influenced, their dominant thinking style, buying strategies and more.


Thinking & Innovation Skills with M.I.N.D Tools: Create More Ideas

Problem solving skills and being innovative in decision making is important for every individual. This particular program will explain on solving problems creatively. It also train participants to organize their thoughts in order to make optimum decision for organization.

Interested in Our Seminars?

Contact us immediately for more information.

WhatsApp to
013-327 1355


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013-327 1355


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Due to his commitment and dedication to developing first-class potential and mindset, Global Genius Consultant Director and NLP Malaysia Founder Hj Fadzli Yusof was selected to receive the ASEAN HR Award presented by the Minister of Entrepreneur Development, YB Datuk Seri Redzuan Mohamed. He is also listed in the 'Most Successful People in Malaysia' in the Britishpedia issue, the world's most prestigious encyclopedia. In fact, Petronas University of Technology has appointed him an Adjunct Lecturer from 2015 to share his industry expertise with UTP students. The textbook is listed as one of the most popular government officials' ratings

Our Experience

We believe you are always looking for a professional training company,
be disciplined and committed to conducting the best training courses.

We are an expert on the highest standard of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) and Emotional Social Intelligence (ESI) by adapting it into religious, spiritual, socio-cultural and community needs. We applied NLP technique to motivation, communication, sales, coaching, customer service, teamwork and team leadership.

We are not the only one EXCITED about Global Genius Consultant…

over 25000+ participants across the country agree with us.
